July 2024 Newsletter

Greetings Fellow Republicans,

It was very sad news to learn that Coy Garbade, our Robertsville District County Councilman, passed away on June 16th.  The overflowing attendance of friends and family when he was laid to rest is a testament to Coy’s character, influence, and legacy in Jasper County.  He will be missed. May his memory be a blessing.

There will now be another primary on Tuesday, August 27 to fill the Robertsville seat on the Jasper County Council. The filing period will run from noon on Friday, July 5 through noon on Saturday, July 12.  If more than one candidate files, a Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, August 27.  Early voting will be held at the Voter Registration Office in Ridgeland and the Hardeeville Public Library from August 12 thru August 23, Monday thru Friday from 8:30am to 5:00pm.  Two candidates have announced their intention to run, but we will wait until they have officially filed to announce it here.  Once again, we will need everyone to get informed on the candidates and TURN OUT TO VOTE!  We must choose a strong conservative candidate to keep this seat RED!

Many thanks to the 17% who turned out to vote in the Statewide Primary in June.  Even though we beat Hampton (16%) and Beaufort (15%) Counties, voter participation was disappointingly low.  This was our opportunity to find good conservatives to represent us and make changes in the current leadership.  The 17% has spoken.  Now we must unite and get our Republican slate elected.

Nancy Mace              Congress District 1
Duke Buckner          Congress District 6
Tom Davis                 SC Senate District 46
Bill Hager                   SC House District 122
Weston Newton       SC House District 120
Jeff Bradley               SC House District 123            
Duffie Stone Solicitor 14th Circuit
John Kemp                County Council At Large
Joseph Arzillo           County Council Hardeeville Township
Joey Rowell              County Council Pocotaligo
TBD County Council Robertsville
Chris Malphrus         Sheriff
Jeremiah Vaigneur  Coroner
Keith Horton              Clerk of Court

NON-PARTISAN RACES                     
There are important non-partisan seats that need to be filled by good conservative Republicans. Hardeeville needs a new Mayor, and two City Council seats are up for reelection.  Also, all odd-numbered School Board seats need changing.  If you have the knowledge, background or life experience to make a difference in Hardeeville or the Jasper County School Board, please contact the JCRP.  We are putting together information for prospective candidates to help you in your decision making, planning, and winning your campaign.

Our Next Jasper County Republican meeting will be held on: Tuesday, July 9, 2024 in Hardeeville at the First Baptist Church of Hardeeville. 6:30 PM. Come at 6:00 for conversation & snacks!

The purpose of our meeting will be two fold:
Outgoing Mayor Harry Williams will join us to discuss the Hardeeville races. Our own Joyce Gerald will speak about the School Board seats. The filing period for the non-partisan races is August 1 thru August 15 at noon. As mentioned above, we will have information packets for anyone considering a run for office. We are also inviting any prospective candidates for the vacant Robertsville Council seat since that primary is set for August 27.

The November 5th General Election promises to be both hectic and historic.  We must have poll workers in every precinct and at the Hardeeville early voting site to ensure fair elections. There is also the August Primary for County Council that must be staffed. If you are willing to perform this civic duty, applications will be available at our meetings, at the Lowcountry GOP Campaign Office in Riverwalk Office Park, or online at NoexcuseSC.gov.

New Members Wanted!
We invite all Jasper County conservatives to join the Jasper County Republican Party.  Our money stays right here in Jasper and will help fund campaign material, maintain the Lowcountry GOP Campaign Office, and develop our new website and social media platforms – all toward our main goal of getting good conservative Republicans elected.  
Single Membership $30
Family Membership $40