October 2024 Newsletter
Greetings Fellow Republicans,
This is it! Election Day is 33 days away. Early voting begins in 18 days!
The end is in sight. This is where the rubber meets the road. There are many ways for everyone to get involved to bring victory for our Republican candidates and our constitutional republic.
Door Knocking
The Trump campaign's top request is for door knockers in Georgia. The SCGOP has pledged to help Georgia flip for Trump. Xiaodan Li is leading the Beaufort/Jasper group that will be helping the Chatham County (GA) Republican Party this Saturday, October 5th. People will work in pairs (preferably 1 man & 1 woman) and be given detailed instructions. Please contact Karen Wyld by Thursday, October 3rd, so we can get you registered and credentialed.
Knocking on Doors in Georgia
Beaufort County Republican Party will be shifting new volunteer activities to Georgia Trump Force 47. BCRP partnering with grassroots conservative groups will be sending volunteers door knocking every Saturday:
Saturday, October 5 @ 9 AM
Saturday, October 12 @ 9 AM
Saturday, October 19 @ 9 AM
Saturday, October 26 @ 9AM
Saturday, November 2 @ 9 AM
Door knocking in Chatham - this Saturday, October 5, 9:15 AM - at the BCRP HQ; Volunteers in Georgia will be using the “SideKick” App to record visits.
Making Phone Calls to Georgia
We are also asking for volunteers to make phone calls to Georgia for President Trump. Training and Phone Calls begin this Thursday at 2PM @ GOP HQ in Riverwalk. Please visit the website to see all dates and times and to register.
Thursday, October 3 @ 2 PM till 7 PM
Thursday, October 10 @ 2 PM till 7 PM
Thursday, October 17 @ 2 PM till 7 PM
Thursday, October 24 @ 2 PM till 7 PM
Thursday, October 31 @ 2 PM till 7 PM
Volunteers in Georgia will be using the “SideKick” App to make phone calls.
Please download the sidekick app here:
The Duke Buckner campaign is asking for door knockers in Jasper County.
We will be reaching out to voters in Ridgeland to support Duke and send Jim Clyburn packing on Saturday afternoon, October 12th. Please contact Tim Crosby (706-831-7306 - no texting) to help the Duke campaign in Jasper County.
Postcard Writing
The JCRP will have 1,000 pre-addressed postcards that will need a short, personal message written to help us turn out the vote. We should have them at the campaign office and at the October 10th general meeting.
Phone Banking/Texting
Phone banking is done at the campaign office in the Riverwalk Office Park on Thursdays from 2pm until 8pm. Training sessions are held on Thursdays at 2pm, 4pm and 6pm. Once you're trained on the app, you can also make calls from home.
There are three ways to register to vote: In person by Friday, October 4th; online at scvotes.gov by October 6th; or snail mail postmarked by October 7th. If you know any new residents who think like we do, encourage them to get registered and bring them to the polls to vote.
Poll watchers are needed for both Election Day and early voting. We must keep eyes on the process to ensure fair and accurate elections. Poll watchers must be appointed and credentialed by the Party. We ask poll watchers to devote four hours at a poll. Training will be given. Please text Karen Wyld (518-423-9910) to become a poll watcher.If you can't commit to the full day as a poll worker, you can be a poll watcher. Poll watchers generally spend 4-5 hours at a precinct watching the voting process. The SCGOP is holding an online training through October 16. Go to sc.gop.com to sign up for the SC Standing Watch Poll Watch Trainings.
Monday, October 7 at 6:30 PM
Wednesday, October 9 at 6:30 PM
Thursday, October 10 at 12:30 PM
Monday, October 14 at 6:30 PM
Wednesday, October 16 at 6:30 PM
Next JCRP Meeting
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
First Baptist Church of Hardeeville
6:00 pm – Social, 6:30 pm – Business
Our last meeting before voting begins is Tuesday, October 8th at the 1st Baptist Church of Hardeeville. Doors open at 6:00 pm, and the business meeting begins at 6:30 pm. We will be going over the non-partisan races. It is important that we elect Hardeeville leadership and school board members who best align with our conservative values. Refreshments will be available. We have Trump yard signs and merchandise for sale. Come at 6:00 to get your signs, hats, etc. Cash is preferred.
Come join us at the annual Gopher Hill Festival on Main Street in Ridgeland this weekend. The JCRP will have a booth to talk to attendees and hand out flyers for our candidates. All of our candidates are encouraged to be there and meet the voters. Our booth will be staffed on Friday evening (10/4) from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm and Saturday (10/6) from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm. Come enjoy the vendors, music and food, and stop by our booth to say “hi.”
The time to act is now. We know there will be tricks and shenanigans across the country between now and Election Day. All we can do is work together right where we are to ensure that Jasper's election results are clean, fair, and accurate.
Don't be distracted by Trump buses and boat parades. The time for parties and fun will be after we win on November 5th. We must work now and do what we can (see above) to turn out the vote BIG TIME if we are going to save America.
Do not listen to any polls. They are designed to make us feel hopeless & defeated or overconfident & complacent. Their goal is to suppress our votes. Let's show the media that they don't speak for us or control us. WE will decide the future we want for ourselves, our children and our grandchildren.
Early voting starts October 21st at the Hardeeville Library and the Ridgeland Voter Registration office and runs through November 2nd. Polls are open Monday - Saturday, 8:30 am to 6:00 pm, closed Sundays.
Statistics show that five percent of voters who wait until Election Day don't make it to the polls (the car breaks down, their kid gets sick, the weather is bad, or they forget). DON'T WAIT! VOTE EARLY! WE NEED A DECISIVE VICTORY!
The Republican Campaign Office in the Riverwalk Office Park on 170 will be open Monday thru Friday from 11:00 to 5:00. We are looking for volunteers to staff the office on Fridays in shifts of 11-2:00 and 2-5:00. Staffers will help people register to vote, print out sample ballots, text or write postcards for candidates, sell merchandise, and meet & talk to lots of people who think like you. Please call or text Karen Wyld (518-423-9910) to sign up for a Friday shift. We'd like at least two people per shift. Training is available.
See you next Tuesday, and bring your like-minded friends!
Karen Wyld
General Election Early Voting runs October 21 - November 2, Monday - Saturday, 8:30am - 6:00pm. Get out and vote as early as possible. Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th at all precincts, 7:00 am - 7:00 pm. You must be registered to vote by October 4th at 5:00pm.